The key to a successful private practice is to fine tune your practice everyday in the direction of the practice of your dreams! However, never forget about the inner game!! Are you steering your practice or is fear and all its other buddies of darkness?
Without a clear vision of where your practice is going or what kind of clients you work with best, then darkness will take over. Getting you to expand your boundaries, accepting clients you don’t work with well just to fill the practice out of fear, accepting payments lower than what you are worth, etc. Eventually you have a full practice but have become a slave to your practice and it gets you to feel burnt out! Eventually it wears on you, and you begin to make decisions influenced by frustration and exhaustion. Doubt influences you further getting you to question yourself, and then you begin to even wonder why you started this business in the first place! That’s how darkness fine tunes your practice to death over time!
Be sure to win in the mind everyday so you keep your focus on fine tuning your practice in the direction of your dreams!! Winning in the mind everyday is a hallmark of private practice warrior!
If you want to learn more about being a Private Practice Warrior, then get the book, “Private Practice Warrior” today! What are you waiting for? Or are you letting fear and doubt affect your mind?
If you want to train like a Private Practice Warrior, then get on the VIP list for “Master Private Practice Training Academy” opening in early 2020! Your dream practice awaits…but you have to take action to get there!!

Private Practice Warrior